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Thought you were safe
surfing the web?
Well you aren't. You're far from safe. Every move you make online is constantly being watched, tracked, saved in a profile and used against you to not only show you targeted ads, but in the long term influence the way you think.

Become the eyes behind
We've created an experience where we take you through the dark algoritm of the internet. But wait, that's not everything! We've created a virtual console system were you can see some "secret" data, and maybe even more...
Sorry! The console is only available on desktop, check it out!

What can I do?
Now you might be wondering what you can do to prevent such activities. Lucky for you we've created a tool to scan youself so you can see exactly what sites can track about you! We've also listed some tips to help protect you better. Check it out below!
If you haven't already, check out the experience to learn about how they track you! Let's delve into the algorithm of cookies and advertisements together. I can see Sam just accepted cookies, let's go!
Let's follow Sam!